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Data Handling G7

You have 10 numbers ranging from 1 to 10, which are randomly arranged. These numbers make up your data. Now, if asked to find the smallest and the biggest number, you would simply arrange your data in an ascending order and provide your answer. This process is referred to as ‘Data Analysis’. Now to find …

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Algebraic Expressions G7

How would you find an answer for the following given problem: 99 + _____ = 130. In Algebra, we make use of an ‘Algebraic Expression’, while solving these types of question. In this case, we may take the blank value as ‘X’ or any letter of your choice. An algebraic expression helps us to complete …

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Data Handling G6

Suppose you have to make a list of all the books in your cupboard, or have to maintain a record of all the tasks you performed the previous week. How would you usually go about this then? It’s pretty simple. You will create a table and arrange all the names and numbers in the respective …

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