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Statistics is a branch of mathematics which deals with graphs, pie graphs, histograms and many more mathematical elements. In lower grades, we have already mastered skills in bar graphs, pie graphs, histograms and frequency polygons. In this chapter, we will move forward to advanced learning techniques of statistics. Here, in this lesson, you will encounter …

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Scale of Graph

You have 10 numbers ranging from 1 to 10, which are randomly arranged. These numbers make up your data. Now, if asked to find the smallest and the biggest number, you would simply arrange your data in an ascending order and provide your answer. This process is referred to as ‘Data Analysis’. Now to find …

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Sets – Basics, Types, Operations and Examples

  Mathematics is a mystery for a few! Passion for the rest. Every new concept in Math opens up a plethora of new roads to be travelled. Let us today travel one such road named “Sets” and get to know what it has in store for us!

Probability – Basics and Examples

Ever wondered, why do meteorologists use the weather patterns to predict the chances of rain? Or how can we predict the chances of passing, in an examination, based on our performance? These ‘Chances’ that we are referring to, are nothing but ‘Probability’. In weather forecast, they check the ‘Probability of rain’, while after an examination …

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Data Handling G7

You have 10 numbers ranging from 1 to 10, which are randomly arranged. These numbers make up your data. Now, if asked to find the smallest and the biggest number, you would simply arrange your data in an ascending order and provide your answer. This process is referred to as ‘Data Analysis’. Now to find …

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Data Handling G6

Suppose you have to make a list of all the books in your cupboard, or have to maintain a record of all the tasks you performed the previous week. How would you usually go about this then? It’s pretty simple. You will create a table and arrange all the names and numbers in the respective …

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