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Reproduction – Introduction, Definition and Types

All organisms increase their numbers by adding new individuals in their population. The process of giving birth to same species of living organisms is called “Reproduction”. Let us get introduced to this topic

Nutrition in Plants

  Plants are the primary source of food for humans and animals. We get all the required nutrition from plants. But have you ever given a thought about what do plants eat? Where do they get their nutrition from? The answer is – Plants make their own food. Yes, and are hence called Autotrophic Organisms! …

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Nutrition in Animals

The insides of our bodies are just like a large factory. We consume the food and it is processed down by different organs, which carry out different functions. The food that we eat is broken down into tiny little pieces for easy consumption of required components. Part of the food which does not carry the …

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Plants Around Us

Why tomato plant is called a herb, lemon plant called a shrub and mango plant called a tree? Confused! Don’t worry. These plants are categorized based on their lengths. A herb is the smallest, followed by a comparatively bigger shrub, followed by tree which is the biggest. Plants are also categorized based on the different …

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Diversity in Living Organisms

There are as many as 8.2 million species that live on earth. This only contributes to 15% of the known species. We are yet to classify and discover the remaining 85% of the species population. In such a vast world, it is practically impossible to make a count of every living creature that is a …

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The human body is extremely fascinating. It is huge and complex. Can you tell which is the basic functional unit of our body? It is the cell. The cells show some magical properties and abilities. Cells with similar functions have the power to combine and form a bigger structure called the “Tissues”. This means – …

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Cell Organelles Basics – Part 1

Alike small bricks, when stacked together, make a building, a very special unit known as cell, which forms the entire human body. These cells are also known as the “building blocks of the body”. But how were these cells discovered? To know the spectacular journey of Cells, hop in and click on the videos.

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