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Surds – Basics, Types, Operations and Comparison

Surds? Isn’t it a fancy name? But what exactly are Surds? It is an expression that includes a sqaure root, cube root or other root symbol. Fascinating, isnt it? In this lesson let us know more about Surds!

Compound Interest

If you want to invest money in bank then it is important that you have an idea about Compound Interest! And what is Compound Interest? Dive in!

Application of Percentage

We do not realise, but our lives are governed by Mathematics. You may be thinking how? Let me give you a simple example. Be it the rate of interest or discount or tax. Everything is stated as Percenatge! Baffled? This lesson will baffle you more with its Application

Percentage – Introduction and Examples

How are our overall performance in school calculated? How are discount rates displayed during sales? These examples take us to one common concept that is Percentage! In this lesson let us understand the basics of Percentage.

Proportions – Basic Concepts, Examples

In the previous lesson, we spoke about Ratios. And when two quantities have an equal ratio, they are said to be in ‘Proportion’. And where do we use the concept proportion in our day-to-day life? Watch our videos to find that out!

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