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Comparing Quantities G8

Don’t your eyes roll on and ears hold up straight when you hear the word – Discount? It does, we know! Have you wondered if the shopkeeper is selling the items for a discount, how come he is still making a profit? In this chapter we will study the most important concepts of finance – …

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Algebraic Expressions and Identities G8

We have already learned about algebraic expressions in our previous grades. In this chapter, we will move forward to an advanced learning technique of algebraic expressions. In this lesson, you will encounter several different concepts such as monomial, binomial, and others. Also, you will learn some important algebraic identities that will help you solve the …

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Visualising Solid Shapes G8

We often check the depth of any water body before we jump into it. What does the word ‘Depth’ indicate here? It gives us an idea about the height of any structure or object. This height, or say, depth is a unique feature of the 3-D figures. Some classic examples of 3-D objects are sphere, …

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Mensuration G8

If we ask, what is a volume? Your first answer will be related to that of a sound! Won’t it? You are right, but scientifically, not mathematically. In mathematics, the volume has an altogether different meaning. Volume in maths deals with space and area occupied by a particular item. For example, when you fill a …

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Perimeter and Area G7

Can you answer the following questions: How big is the surface of your house? Or how big is our country? In order to understand the surface that is occupied by a specific item, it becomes necessary to find its area. An area of an item is the size of the surface that it has occupied. …

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Algebraic Expressions G7

How would you find an answer for the following given problem: 99 + _____ = 130. In Algebra, we make use of an ‘Algebraic Expression’, while solving these types of question. In this case, we may take the blank value as ‘X’ or any letter of your choice. An algebraic expression helps us to complete …

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Exponents and Powers G7

Read this story carefully. Once upon a time, a king was very happy with the inventor of Chess and asked him to demand anything in return. The inventor humbly said, just place a single grain of rice in the first square of the chessboard. Then two grains on the second square, four grains on the …

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Symmetry G7

Open a notebook, and carefully observe the right-hand side and the left-hand side of it. You will observe that both parts are exactly the same. We can say they are symmetrical. Now there is a dividing line between the left side and the right side, that’s called the axis of symmetry. If you observe carefully …

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Visualising Solid Shapes G7

Can you tell us the difference between a rectangular drawing and a rectangular box? If you are thinking that both are one and the same, then you are wrong. A rectangular drawing is a 2D shape because it has two important factors – i.e the length and the breadth. Whereas a rectangular box is a …

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Integers G7

Multiplication of Integers In the previous grade, we have already learned about Integers. In this chapter, we will add to that knowledge and advance our skills to carry out calculations with integers. Integers come with different properties that help us in their calculation. For instance – one of the properties of integers is – Closure …

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