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Changes around us G6 (Hindi)

Water can be converted into ice by freezing it and ice can be again converted into water by melting. This is a simple example of Reversible change. And what about the Irreversible one? What if we burn a piece of paper? Can we get the paper, back from the ash? Definitely not! In this chapter, …

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Electricity and Circuits G6 (Hindi)

On a hot sunny day, air conditioners are our saviours. While on a cold snowy day, radiators make us feel comfortable. Both appliances run on electricity. Today we cannot imagine our lives without electricity. Right from a small electric bulb to huge equipment in industries, there are numerous devices that work on electricity. Metals like …

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Fun with Magnets G6 (Hindi)

Why do navigators, adventurers, and travelers, usually keep a compass in their pocket? Well, it is to get a sense of direction during their journey. Compass contains a magnetic needle that has a north and south pole. This aids in detecting the direction of where one should move. A magnet is an object which produces …

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Winds, Storms and Cyclones

The world is a mysterious place, and within it moves the Air. It passes through every corner of the world. It touches our body. It is the most important thing that humans need to exists. In this chapter, we will uncover some hidden facts about the Wind and the Air. We will find answers to …

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Human Eye and Light

Vision is the dominant sense for us. We perceive almost 80% of all impressions using our sight. Ever wondered what would you be without those spherical pair of eyes? Difficult to imagine, right! Indeed, our eyes are the windows to the wonders of the world. Sight is the precious gift we can’t take for granted. …

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Light – Lenses

What makes Microscope magnify the image or Telescope view celestial object which lies kilometers away? All due credit goes to the lenses! What are lenses? Let us dive more into this topic and unravel some fascinating facts!

Refraction of Light

Let us perfrom an experiment, take a paper and draw two arrows one below another pointing the same direction. Now fill a transparent glass with water. Slowly lower the piece of paper behind the glass. What do you see? The arrows have changed their direction! Is it Magic? Nope! Its Physics, to be more specific …

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