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High School Math

Relations And Functions

Much of mathematics is about finding a pattern – a recognisable link between quantities that change. In our daily lives, we often come across patterns that characterise relations such as mother and daughter, brother and sister, father and son, teacher and student, and so on. In mathematics as well, there are relations between numbers that …

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Basics of Calculus

Calculus can be referred to as the mathematics of change. In this learning playlist, you are going to understand the basic concepts of calculus, so you can develop the skill of predicting the change. These videos will help you understand Limits, Differentiation, and Integration- the important ideas around which calculus is built. In calculus, we …

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Sets – Basics, Types, Operations and Examples

  Mathematics is a mystery for a few! Passion for the rest. Every new concept in Math opens up a plethora of new roads to be travelled. Let us today travel one such road named “Sets” and get to know what it has in store for us!

Probability – Basics and Examples

Ever wondered, why do meteorologists use the weather patterns to predict the chances of rain? Or how can we predict the chances of passing, in an examination, based on our performance? These ‘Chances’ that we are referring to, are nothing but ‘Probability’. In weather forecast, they check the ‘Probability of rain’, while after an examination …

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Binomial Theorem

How do you think an architecture calculates the amount of time-period required for completion of a project? Or how does one know much material will be required for the construction of any structure? Well, this is done using an interesting concept known as ‘Binomial theorem’. And what do we mean by this? A polynomial consisting …

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Linear Progamming

Sometimes to deal with a problem we need to optimize certain resources. These resources could be either time, money, or anything else. These resources are also called ‘constraints’. One of the best examples of this is our diet. We need more protein for building muscles, but we also need carbohydrates for energy. So we need …

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Quadratic Equations

When you throw a ball in the air it covers a path that can be modeled by a parabola. For any given height there will be two positions of the ball. A simple parabola equation is y = x2. Here we can see that ‘y’ can be either ‘+x’ or ‘-x’. So quadratic equation is …

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Complex Numbers

Can you recall any number that has a negative value for its square? You might have multiplied several numbers, but none of those would have given you a negative square. There arises the complexity. There are negative squares – which are identified as ‘complex numbers’. For instance: -1i is a complex number. Here ‘i’ refers …

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