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Why do we fall Ill?

What do we mean by falling ill? It means “not healthy”. Ever wondered why hygiene and health are closely related to each other? Or what exactly do we mean by the term “Health”? Well, health is a state of “well-being” of a person. It means that a person should be able to function well mentally, …

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Sources of Energy G10

The world population is increasing day-by-day. This means, the demands for the usage of various resources also increasing. It should be noted that the energy resources we use, are limited and may go extinct if we continue to use them without thinking of tomorrow. Hence, to limit the use of these energy resources, we must …

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Our Environment G10

What term comes to your mind when you collectively recall all the elements surrounding you? That’s right. It’s the environment. The environment is a collective term which includes all the biotic and abiotic elements. But in recent times, our environment has been going through some bizarre changes. The changing lifestyle of humans, the changing conditions …

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Why do we fall ill ? G9

What do we mean by falling ill? It means “not healthy”. Ever wondered why hygiene and health are closely related to each other? Or what exactly do we mean by the term “Health”? Well, health is a state of “well-being” of a person. It means that a person should be able to function well mentally, …

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Natural Resources G9

Nature is a one-stop-shop for all our basic necessities. It provides us with food, clothing and even shelter. Plants and animals help us with food and clothes, while the raw materials required for building a shelter is obtained from trees. Apart from these, nature also helps us to survive. Water, heat, air and soil, come …

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Improvement in Food Resources G9

Agriculture saw a major leap with the advent of Green Revolution. With Technology coming into picture the Economy boosted. And it also gave Farming a new face. Farming now is not an Occupation anymore, it has become SCIENCE. In this lesson, let us get introduced to the various methods Farmers employ to get a good …

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Natural Phenomena G8

On a rainy day, while enjoying the beautiful scenery, you noticed a flash of light that blinded you for a moment. Seconds after that, you heard a loud noise. This sound is the result of that bright light that you just saw. This natural phenomenon is known as lightning. And what do we mean by …

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Solar System G8

Gazing the sky at night time feels so relaxing. The shining stars that reflect light. The moon that sometimes smiles, or hides. The twinkling meteoroids. All these create a perfect night scenery. But sometimes things aren’t the same as we see them. In this lesson, we will take a closer look at all these celestial …

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Pollution of Air and Water G8

Do you know that plastic has now reached in the deepest part of the oceans? Yes! That is true. There is plastic found in the Mariana trench which is the deepest point in the Ocean. Humans polluting water has gone beyond the limit. It is high time that we start thinking about our planet. Since …

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