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Nutrition in Plants G7

Plants are the primary source of food for humans and animals. We get all the required nutrition from plants. But have you ever given a thought about what do plants eat? Where do they get their nutrition from? The answer is – Plants make their own food. Yes, and are hence called Autotrophic Organisms! In …

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Nutrition in Animals G7

The interior of our bodies is just like a large factory. We consume the food which is then processed down by different organs, which carry out different functions. The food that we eat is broken down into tiny little pieces for easy consumption of required components. Part of the food which does not carry the …

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Soil G7

Who does not love the earthy fragrance of soil after the first rain? Soil is an inseparable part of our life. Wondering why is that so? Well, that’s because the soil is extremely crucial for plants, and undoubtedly plants are important for us. Have you ever compared the soil of different plants? Is it the …

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Respiration in Organisms G7

What is respiration? Respiration is inhaling oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide. Correct? If you think that this answer is the correct definition of respiration, then you need to learn this chapter. Because, in this chapter we break down the concept of respiration, providing you with a perfect definition, enabling you to learn easily. So …

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Reproduction in Plants G7

All organisms increase their numbers by adding new individuals in their population. The process of giving birth to same species of living organisms is called “Reproduction”. Ever wondered how plants reproduce? Or what methods do they adopt for reproduction? Well, plants reproduce by several methods. They can be asexual as well as sexual. To our …

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Food – Where it comes from G6

What did you have for lunch today? Vegetables? Rice? Pizza or Burger? Anything that you eat gives you the energy to work. But have you ever questioned yourself, from where do we obtain the Food we eat? Well, all the food that human beings consume either come from Plants or Animals. In this chapter, we …

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Components of Food G6

Have you ever wondered if you are eating right? Our body needs essential nutrients that can help it grow, maintain, and function regularly. Our diet should consist of components like Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins but in a way that neither of them in excess nor in dearth. Drinking an adequate amount of water is also …

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Getting to Know Plants G6

Why a Tomato plant is called a Herb, a Lemon plant called a Shrub and a Mango plant called a Tree? Confused! Don’t worry. These plants are categorized based on their lengths. Herb is the smallest, followed by a comparatively bigger Shrub, followed by a Tree which is the biggest. Plants are also categorized based …

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Body Movements G6

Have you ever wondered why is the Human body shaped like what we see it? A system of 206 bones, hiding behind the skin, helps every human to walk, run, eat, and do many other different activities in his day to day life. These bones are categorized under different types and different joints. In this …

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