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Why do we fall Ill?

What do we mean by falling ill? It means “not healthy”. Ever wondered why hygiene and health are closely related to each other? Or what exactly do we mean by the term “Health”? Well, health is a state of “well-being” of a person. It means that a person should be able to function well mentally, …

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We often hear our loved ones asking us to wash our hands thoroughly, before having any meal, or when we come home from outside. But why is that so? Well, the aim is to wash off microorganisms also known as microbes. What are microorganisms by the way? They are tiny organisms that cannot be seen …

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Heredity and Evolution

Genes are the basic fundamental units of life. They are transferred from the parents to offsprings by a complex process. Ever wondered why we don’t look exactly like our parents? Or why we don’t look identical to our siblings? Also, we humans look way too different from our ancestors. Humans evolved from their ancestors through …

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Control and Co-ordination

Why do we immediately pull our hand away when touched a hot object? Because of a reflex action. You will be amazed to know that the brain is not at all involved in this process. The signal goes to the spinal cord and comes back from there signalling muscles to move away quickly before we …

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Body Movements

Have you ever wondered why is the Human body shaped like what we see it? A system of 206 bones, hiding behind the skin, helps every human to walk, run, eat, and do many different activities in his day to day life. These bones are categorized under different types and different joints. In this chapter, …

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“I’m red, but not a strawberry. I have different types, but I’m not an apple. I can be pumped, but I’m not a bicycle tire. I can be donated, but I’m not money. I contain cells, but I’m not a jail. I’m in your body, but I’m not your heart. What am I? To know …

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Respiration and Excretion

What is respiration? Respiration is inhaling oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide. Correct? If you think that this answer is the correct definition of respiration, then you need to learn this chapter. Because, in this chapter we break down the concept of respiration, providing you with a perfect definition, enabling you to learn easily. So …

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Reproduction In Animals

Though we don’t exactly look like our parents, we may have some of their features such as our eyes can be the same as the mother’s or hair can resemble the father. But do you ever question yourself why is that so? Well, our genetic material is a combination of mother’s and father’s genes. The …

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As you grow, you might feel some bodily changes happening. These changes bring maturity, as well as make you more emotionally and psychologically ready. But why do these changes occur at some point in time, and why not at birth? This period where you experience changes in your body and mental health is called Adolescence. …

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Reproduction In Plants

Ever wondered how plants reproduce? Or what methods do they adopt for reproduction? Well, plants reproduce by several methods. They can be asexual as well as sexual. To our surprise, there is an additional method of reproduction called “Vegetative Reproduction” in plants. Sounds interesting, right? Want to study about these reproductive methods? Watch our videos …

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