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Search Results for: motion

  • Motion and Measurement of Distances G6 (Hindi)

    How would you know if you are farther or nearer to any object? By measuring the distance between you and the object. It is as simple as that. But before measuring, you must be familiar with all the units of measurement. Units such as centimeters, meters, kilometers help you scale the object. Understanding the applications …

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  • Laws of Motion

    In the last chapter, we learnt that every living and non-living thing on the Earth exhibits motion. In this chapter, we will learn more about what causes the motion. This question has boggled the physicists for many centuries. To move any object, you require ‘Force’. In the same way, to stop any moving object, you …

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  • Motion, Distance and Time

    How would you know if you are farther or nearer to any object? By measuring the distance between you and the object. It is as simple as that. But before measuring, you must be familiar with all the units of measurement. Units such as centimeters, meters, kilometers help you scale the object. Understanding the applications …

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  • Force and Laws of Motion G9

    In the last chapter, we learnt that every living and non-living thing on the Earth exhibits motion. In this chapter, we will learn more about what causes the motion. This question has boggled the physicists for many centuries. To move any object, you require ‘Force’. In the same way, to stop any moving object, you …

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  • Motion G9

    All living beings can’t stay in one place for hours long. Even the laziest person will show slight changes in their position. This change of position indicates that we move from one place to another. This change of position and movement is called – ‘Motion’. Not only all living organisms exhibit motion, but non-living things …

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  • Motion and Time G7

    Athletes work very hard to win a race. But can you tell me the basic criterion for winning a race? It is the speed of an athlete. More the speed, more is the chances of winning. So speed is an important factor. But what is speed? Or how is it calculated? Does it show dependency …

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  • Motion and Measurement of Distances G6

    How would you know if you are farther or nearer to any object? By measuring the distance between you and the object. It is as simple as that. But before measuring, you must be familiar with all the units of measurement. Units such as centimeters, meters, kilometers help you scale the object. Understanding the applications …

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  • Adolescence

    As you grow, you might feel some bodily changes happening. These changes bring maturity, as well as make you more emotionally and psychologically ready. But why do these changes occur at some point in time, and why not at birth? This period where you experience changes in your body and mental health is called Adolescence. …

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  • Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration

    Majority of living beings can’t stay in one place for hours long. Even the laziest person will show slight changes in his position. This change of position indicates that we move from one place to another. This change of position and movement is called – ‘Motion’. Not only all living organisms exhibit motion, but non-living …

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  • Reaching Adolescence G8

    As you grow, you might feel some bodily changes happening. These changes bring maturity, as well as make you more emotionally and psychologically ready. But why do these changes occur at some point in time, and why not at birth? This period where you experience changes in your body and mental health is called Adolescence. …

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